
Two lawyers exposed taking USD 100 thousand to help get "proper" decision from KDAC

On April 7, 2021, notices of suspicion were served to two lawyers who had been exposed the day before receiving an improper advantage in the amount of USD 100 thousand for its further transfer to judges of the Kyiv District Administrative Court. Their actions fall under Part 4 Article 27, Part 3 Article 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

"Krayan Plant" case: indictment against three persons sent to court

On April 6, 2021, an indictment against three persons involved in the Krayan Plant corruption scheme was sent to court. These persons are charged with embezzling UAH 92 million from the Odesa Сity budget during the purchase of buildings of HC Krayan OJSC. The actions of all these persons fall under Part 5 Article 191, Part 3 Article 209 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

USD 5 mln bribe case sent to HACC after facing risk of being taken from NABU

The NABU Detectives and the SAPO Prosecutors have filed an indictment to the High Anti-Corruption Court regarding persons who attempted to offer USD 5 mln in bribe to the leadership of anti-corruption agencies to ensure the termination of criminal proceedings against the former Ecology Minister under President Yanukovych (suspected of embezzling stabilization loan provided to Real Bank PJSC).

"Gas scheme" case: indictment regarding private company ex-Head sent to court

On April 1, 2021, SAPO Prosecutors and NABU Detectives referred an indictment in relation to the former Head of two private companies involved in a corruption scheme that helped embezzle public funds during the extraction and sale of natural gas under joint venture agreements with Ukrgazvydobuvannia PJSC. This is one of the several indictments already filed within the so-called "gas scheme" case.