346 new cases, 65 suspects, 54 convicted: NABU, SAPO's results in second half of 2024
NABU and SAPO keep momentum in combating corruption at all levels. In the second half of 2024, detectives and prosecutors uncovered many high-profile schemes in key state sectors, exposed bribery, and illicit enrichment.
The deputy minister of energy was caught receiving a USD 500,000 bribe for a permit that in fact rescued valuable mining equipment from the frontline area.
Another scheme was implemented in PJSC "Kharkivoblenergo," where members of an organized group embezzled UAH 12.5 million during the procurement of energy equipment and planned to steal UAH 120 million more. However, detectives completely frustrated their plans.
Heads of two structural units of the Logistics Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were charged with securing victory for predetermined companies in tenders for the supply of aviation components, causing UAH 27.3 million in losses.
The head of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine got suspected of illicit enrichment worth UAH 72.1 million and asset misstatement.
A large-scale bribery scheme was uncovered in the Kharkiv Tax Service. This case was unique as investigators documented and exposed three levels of intermediaries and held their kingpin accountable.
Road construction corruption with losses exceeding UAH 286 million was exposed in the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration.
There were also judicial scandals. The head of the Commercial Court of the Lviv region was caught demanding a USD 1 million bribe from a private company representative in exchange for a favorable ruling. This marks the first exposure of a head of a specialized general jurisdiction court by anti-corruption authorities.
Some believe careers should be built through hard work, while others attempt to buy their way in. NABU and SAPO prevented a group offering USD 1.7 million for appointing "their people" as heads of regional customs offices.
Overall results for the second half of 2024:
- 346 new investigations
- 65 suspects
- 49 indictments
- 112 accused
- 54 convicted
The economic impact of NABU and SAPO work exceeded UAH 739 million (UAH 4.5 billion for 2024), including:
UAH 98.3 million allocated to military support;
UAH 614.06 million reimbursed to the state (a total of UAH 10 billion as of 31.12.2024);
UAH 26.8+ million (funds and assets) confiscated into state revenue.
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