Witness suspected of false testimony in judge bribery case

NABU and SAPO have served charges on a witness who knowingly provided false testimony in a case involving a judge accused of accepting an undue advantage.

As established, the witness repeatedly testified about a Dnipropetrovsk region judge soliciting and accepting an undue advantage for passing a proper decision. However, after the judge faced the trial, he drastically changed his testimony in her favor allegedly in exchange for a bribe from persons acting in the judge's interests.

Below is a fragment of a conversation between the witness and another person regarding the amount of the bribe and employment arrangements:

Witness: "What are the benefits?"
Other person: "USD 50,000… and a job in Kharkiv."
Witness: "And what’s there… Any details… Where will I live? What will I get? How will I get along?"
Other person: "You'll have USD 50,000, do you hear me? If you do this, you’ll get USD 50,000. And you’ll get a job. You’ll be earning money, you’ll get along ok, you’ll have a financial cushion."

Additionally, talks were recorded about the need for secrecy before and after the court hearing, during which the witness was expected to change his testimony:

Witness: "So, it’s better not to leave the house at all for now?"
Other person: "Not exactly ‘not leave the house.’ He’s suggesting something else. He says: ‘Either we send him to Truskavets, or maybe it’s better to send him to Kyiv—big city, he’ll blend in, and no one will notice him until the trial. After the trial, he goes in, testifies, then walks out, gets into a car with security. He’ll have protection, and he’s gone…’"
Witness: "So, they’re offering me money right now?"
Other person: "Yes."

The suspect's actions fall under Part 2 of Article 384 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

As for the judge, she has been sentenced to five years in prison. The verdict is currently being appealed by the defense.

According to Article 62 of the Constitution of Ukraine, a person is considered not-guilty in the commission of a crime and cannot be subject to criminal punishment until he or she is found guilty by court.