USD 6 million bribe intended for NABU, SAPO leadership sent to Ukraine's army
The High Anti-Corruption Court has lifted the arrest from USD 6 million intended as a bribe for the leadership of NABU and SAPO. Thanks to NABU detectives and SAPO prosecutors who initiated the move, the funds (over UAH 170 million at the NBU exchange rate) have already been transferred to the needs of Ukraine's armed forces.
As reported, this was the largest bribe in the history of Ukraine. In June 2020, NABU and SAPO exposed three persons, including an official of the State Tax Service in Kyiv, trying to bribe the anti-corruption leadership to end the investigation of a former top official. The "service" was estimated at USD 6 million, including USD 1 million intended for the State Tax Service official as a middleman. All the participants in the scheme, including the bribe owner, were brought to justice. The investigation is already over, the cases are being heard by the HACC.
Video of Брифінг НАБУ та САП: хто і чому намагався підкупити керівників антикорупційних органів