NABU exposed three persons on offering USD 5 mln bribe to the Head of State Property Fund of Ukraine
On January 29, 2020, the Detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) under the procedural guidance of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor`s Office (SAPO) exposed three persons on giving USD 50 thousand of improper advantage to the Head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPFU). They were detained in accordance with Article 208 of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine.
On January 30, 2020, NABU and SAPO gave notices of suspicion to detainees. The actions of the suspects are qualified under Part 4 Article 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
The investigation revealed that suspects proposed USD 5 million of improper advantage to the Head of the SPFU for the appointment of a pre-determined person to position of a director of “Odesa Port Plant” PJSC (99.5% state-owned).
According to the plan, the appointed Head allegedly supposed to promote cooperation between the plant and certain private companies affiliated with the participants of the corruption crime.
The detainees planned to provide bribes in parts within a year from the moment of reaching the agreements. NABU Detectives exposed them on giving the first part of the funds in the amount of USD 50 thousand. This operation was conducted jointly with the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.
NABU Detectives started a pre-trial investigation as of the abovementioned facts in November 2019 based on an application filed by the SPFU Head.
According to Part 1 Article 62 of the Constitution of Ukraine a person is considered not-guilty in commission of a crime and cannot be a subject to criminal punishment, until he or she is found guilty by the court.
According to Article 62 of the Constitution of Ukraine, a person is considered not-guilty in the commission of a crime and cannot be subject to criminal punishment until he or she is found guilty by court.