Head of the State Customs Service of Ukraine suspected of false declaration
NABU and SAPO have charged the Acting Head of the State Customs Service with failure to declare assets in official declarations.
According to the investigation, in the declaration for 2021-2023, the suspect did not enter data on a residential building with an area of 236.8 square meters and a land plot near Kyiv on which it is located.
The investigation found that the official registered the real estate, valued at over USD 100,000, under the name of their father-in-law while retaining actual ownership with their family.
His actions fall under Part 1 Art. 366-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
NABU detectives and SAPO prosecutors have initiated a pre-trial investigation based on these findings.
According to Article 62 of the Constitution of Ukraine, a person is considered not-guilty in the commission of a crime and cannot be subject to criminal punishment until he or she is found guilty by court.