Accession to OECD is common challenge, Ukraine's European future depends on it - conclusions of "Ukraine on the Road to OECD" conference
Effective anti-corruption reforms, integration into the international community, and equal game rules for every participant were the key topics of the conference "Ukraine on the Road to OECD and Accession to OECD Anti-Bribery Convention," organized by the National Bureau with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine.
The event gathered a professional community, including ambassadors, parliamentarians, the representatives of the government, civil society and business, international partners.
In his speech, NABU Director Semen Kryvonos emphasized the importance of Ukraine joining the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention:
"Joining the Convention is an important step for Ukraine, especially in the context of its aspiration to become an EU member. Moreover, it will signal that Ukraine is committed to the highest global standards in combating corruption."
The head of the National Bureau noted that to achieve this goal, Ukraine must meet several requirements by January 2025, one of which is introducing criminal liability for legal entities involved in bribery. He stated that passing the relevant legislation would positively impact both the ability to investigate corruption crimes and the level of trust from Ukraine’s international partners, particularly regarding military and financial aid. For this purpose, draft laws No. 11443 and No. 11443-1 have been registered in the Verkhovna Rada.
The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Ruslan Stefanchuk, emphasized the importance of concerted efforts of all parties involved in the drafting and passing the bill. “I sincerely hope that we can pass this law by the end of this year. This impacts not only our accession to the OECD and the Working Group on Bribery, but also our negotiations with the EU," he stressed.
In his speech, Acting Chair of the OECD Working Group on Bribery Chris Basyurski emphasized that Ukraine has already come a long way to the Convention, and the remaining requirements are crucial. “This is a signal to the rest of the world that Ukraine is wanting to firmly put issues it had around corruption behind it. When you join with all the criteria having been satisfied, you will be in a much stronger position,” he noted.
Finally, Semen Kryvonos expressed gratitude to everyone making it possible to take important steps for the country during these challenging times: "Thanks to our soldiers, every representative of the anti-corruption structure, parliamentarians, and the country's leadership, we are moving forward quickly, and this requirement necessary for Ukraine's EU accession must be fulfilled."
OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) is an international organization uniting 38 countries. The OECD acts as an analytical center and developer of international standards used by the EU in the process of policy formation. The processes of accession to the OECD and the EU complement and accelerate each other.
In 2022, the Government of Ukraine applied for membership in the Organization, and in 2023, the OECD Program for Ukraine was signed. Its implementation will bring Ukraine closer to a full-fledged membership.