All news "gold"

8-kg gold theft by prosecutor: case sent to court

On Nov. 16, 2022, NABU and SAPO sent the case against the ex-prosecutor of the General Prosecutor's Office accused of acquisition of property and official forgery to court. His actions fall under Part 5 Art. 191, Part 1 Art. 366 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.  

NABU, SAPO complete investigation of ex-prosecutor charged with 8-kg gold theft

NABU and SAPO have completed the investigation of the ex-prosecutor of the General Prosecutor's Office suspected of acquisition of property and official forgery. On Nov. 4, 2022, the case file was disclosed to the defense for perusal. The actions of the suspect fall under Part 5 Art. 191, Part 1 Art. 366 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.