All news "SAPO"

Italy seizes luxury yacht of SPFU case participant (PHOTOS)

Thanks to the activities of a joint investigative team comprising NABU detectives, SAPO prosecutors, and representatives of French law enforcement, with the assistance of Italian law enforcement, a posh asset belonging to one of the leaders of the criminal organization in the State Property Fund of Ukraine has been tracked and seized.

Veterans – driving force for change in Ukraine

Veterans remain not only defenders, but also drivers of the changes our society desperately needs. That's why involving veterans into the fight against the internal enemy, corruption, is so crucial. This was the focus of an event organized by the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine, in cooperation with NABU, SAPO, the HACC, and veterans' organizations.

Energy corruption during war: organized group exposed

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine and the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office, in cooperation with the Security Service of Ukraine, have uncovered an organized group whose activities caused nearly UAH 60 million in damages to NPC Ukrenergo during martial law.