All news "SAPO"

NABU, SAPO expose bribery of Poltava judge

On Dec. 13-19, 2022, NABU and SAPO notified two lawyers and a person who claimed to be a lawyer's assistant of suspicion of an attempt to bribe a judge of the Poltava Court of Appeal.

HACC orders confiscation of some assets seized in Mezhyhiria case

Thanks to NABU and SAPO's efforts, part of the property and funds seized in the so-called Mezhyhiria case have been confiscated by the HACC. On Dec. 12, 2022, the court satisfied the relevant claim of Ukraine's Justice Ministry. This is a first-instance decision that can be appealed.

Supreme Court upholds verdict against Kyiv region judge

Hanna Bilyk, a judge of the Brovary city district court in the Kyiv region, has been sentenced to 6 years in prison with the confiscation of a car and a land plot. She has also been stripped of the right to hold certain administrative posts for a period of 3 years. The verdict was passed by the Criminal Court of Cassation of the Supreme Court on Dec. 14, 2022. Previously, the same decision had been passed by the High Anti-Corruption Court and the HACC Appeals Chamber. The verdict of the Supreme Court is final and cannot be appealed.

Over UAH 113 million go to Armed Forces thanks to NABU, SAPO

UAH 113.7 million, seized within NABU and SAPO investigations into corruption at customs, went to the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Dec. 14, 2022. One case was referred to court in August 2022, while another is still being investigated. At the request of ...

Declaration misstatements: incumbent MP notified of suspicion

On Dec. 14, 2022, NABU and SAPO notified an incumbent MP of suspicion of entering false data into his e-declaration for 2020. Such actions fall under Part 1 Art. 366-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (as amended by the Law of Ukraine dated 04.12.2020 No. 1074-IX).