All news "SAPO"

"Yuzhny Port" case: materials disclosed

  NABU and SAPO have completed an investigation into a corruption scheme causing the state-owned Sea Commercial Port "Yuzhny" to suffer more than UAH 60 million in losses. On Oct. 12-13, 2021, the case materials were disclosed to 10 suspects.

NABU, SAPO expose criminal organization in Odesa

On Oct. 6, 2021, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU), the National Police Internal Security Department, and the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAPO) notified 16 persons of suspicion of embezzling the assets of the Odesa territorial community and legalizing illegally obtained income.

"Krayan Plant" case: indictment against one more person sent to court

NABU and SAPO have completed an investigation of another participant in the scheme to embezzle UAH 92 million from the Odesa Сity budget during the purchase of buildings of HC Krayan OJSC. On Aug. 11, 2021, SAPO Prosecutors filed an indictment drawn up by NABU Detectives to court. The actions of the accused, an accomplice who coordinated the actions of the participants in the crime, fall under Part 5 Art. 27, Part 5 Art. 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.