NABU Detectives shared their experience in conducting pre-trial investigation with the Criminal Justice in Action Summer School students
The Detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) informed students of Ukrainian Law Universities on the peculiarities of conducting investigative actions (searches) and on the complexities of pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings as of top-corrupt officials. The event "Criminal Justice in Action Summer School" was held near Dnipro city in the period 21-27 July.
The NABU Detectives Taras and Ruslan jointly with the prosecutor of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor`s Office Ihor were the Top-Leaders of three teams of participants. They took part in panel discussions on key issues of the criminal process.
"Most of the participants realized that the work of the NABU Detective is not easy, but at the same time extremely interesting. Most of the questions from the students concerned the open competition for the vacancies of the NABU Detectives. I am convinced that among our youth there are motivated and smart young people If they join the Ukrainian criminal justice system, they change the country for the better," said NABU Detective Taras.
In framework of the School all lections were conducted in English. After the interactive presentations of experts, students were able to try themselves as different participants in the criminal process.
The school was organized by the Non-governmental organization (NGO) State Watch with the support of the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL). The main goal of the event was to encourage young lawyers for going to the law enforcement agencies and to share the American experience of the functioning of the criminal justice system.
In addition, successful lawyers, members of the Civil Oversight Council of the NABU, judges, prosecutors, an FBI agent participated in the School.