NABU Detectives became experts of the Summer School in Criminal Justice
The Detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) together with Prosecutors of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (SAPO), a judge of the High Anti-Corruption Court, lawyers and former US Attorneys, shared their investigative experience with 39 students of the Criminal Justice in Action Summer School.
Withn five days, students were adopting the Detectives’ experience on qualifying a crime, drawing up a plan of investigation, mastering the intricacies of searches and the arguments for choosing a preventive measure.
“All students are very motivated. I believe that such youth should work at the NABU. They assure us that they are not afraid of either paperwork or hard investigative and operational activities”, the NABU Detective Ruslan shared his impressions. It is the second time he acts as a Summer School expert.
The participants had the opportunity to try themselves as the Detectives, who allegedly investigate the case of possible abuses in the defense sphere. According to the legend, the Chief engineer of the Ministry of Defense took into account the balance of night vision optical sights without conducting an examination to establish their compliance. As it turned out later, the goods with a total value of 58 million UAH were of inadequate quality, and the technical characteristics of the sights were significantly underestimated. Students performed the role of the Detectives on the way from obtaining information about an allegedly crime, planning an investigation, conducting an examination, carrying out a search to choosing a preventive measure.
“I was surprised by the willingness and ability of the students to solve complex practical problems in a limited time. The search has become one of the most interesting. Future lawyers convinced that carrying out this investigative action is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, and requires careful preparation,” said the NABU Detective Victoria, the School’s expert.
The non-governmental organization “State Watch” with the support of the US Embassy in Ukraine organized the School for the second time. The event took place on July 20-26, 2019.