Dialogue on ways how to fight corruption — DumkoFest took place in Kyiv for the second time
The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) and international organizations, public activists and journalists called on citizens to fight against corruption. They all gathered at DumkoFest opinion festival, which took place in the Shevchenko park in Kyiv on September 14, 2019.
“We are aware that the fight against corruption is not only about exposing and imprisoning corrupt officials, but also about educating decent people who will knowingly avoid corruption. Through open festivals like DumkoFest, we try to build a dialogue with people and explain that corruption concerns everyone,” said the NABU Director Artem Sytnyk.
DumkoFest is an anti-corruption opinion festival, which took place in Kyiv for the second time. The National Bureau jointly with Bihus.info with the support of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine (EUACI) organized the festival this year.
“The anti-corruption system should be built on people's trust. Without this trust, nothing can be done neither in the law enforcement system nor in society. DumkoFest aims to create a dialogue between people with different views and beliefs. We need to talk more about what unites Ukrainian society and what can be done jointly,” said Elena Konceviciute, the EUACI Senior Anti-Corruption Adviser.
DumkoFest visitors participated in discussions about corruption in education and housing and communal services, improved communication skills with law enforcement agencies, and got useful tips on protecting their rights.
Within 8 hours, 38 speakers shared their experiences and thoughts, and 29 non-governmental organizations presented their activities.
After discussions Tochka Dotyku performance, Chornyi Kvadrat Studio improvisation, and Anton Tymoshenko’s anti-corruption stand-up were performed.
See more photos: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmGWwHqo
DumkoFest is an open platform where everyone can express their opinion, deepen their knowledge and critically evaluate the realization of anti-corruption reform in Ukraine. The festival is a kind of opinion festival (or "democracy festival") which first appeared in Scandinavia. More information about the program and participants of the event and video recording of the festival's discussions can be found at dumkofest.org.