Youth with anti-corruption values will help rebuild a European Ukraine - Gizo Uglava
Despite the war, modern youth are ready to join the anti-corruption movement, and participation in the NABU Anti-Corruption School helped them get new tools to fight corruption, including during martial law. This was confirmed by the participants of the awareness raising project, which ended on Aug. 19, 2022.
"The NABU Anti-Сorruption School and similar educational initiatives open up new horizons for Ukrainian youth, especially in difficult times for our country, when the fight against the enemy is being waged not only on the military front, but also on the anti-corruption front. It is important that students are already aware of the importance of fighting corruption and strive to join the renovation of our state. The National Bureau is always ready to cooperate," Gizo Uglava, the Acting Director of the National Bureau, said.
Iryna Shyba, Deputy Head of the European Union Anti-Corruption Initiative (EUACI) Department, stressed that the project helped establish value guidelines and provide practical knowledge useful to young lawyers for their future careers.
"EUACI is proud to support the initiative developed and implemented by the National Bureau for the second time. We hope that among the participants of the School there are future judges of the High Anti-Corruption Court, NACP Head or NABU Director. The fight against corruption matters for each, and it is extremely important to cooperate with youth and the public in general to help them bring good into the world," Iryna Shyba said.
NABU Anti-Corruption School 2022 was implemented by the National Bureau with the support of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative. It started on Jul. 25 and consisted two stages: an online part and an internship at the National Bureau. Within the first stage, 55 law students from different cities of Ukraine pumped their theoretical anti-corruption knowledge. As a result, 20 students were selected to participate in the project offline and got the practical experience of investigating top corruption from Aug. 8 to 19, 2022.
During the two-week internship, students immersed themselves in the work of Detectives: drafted documents, schemes of possible investigations and activities of criminal groups, attended court hearings, collected analytical data and carried out other tasks. The internship also included trainings on working with open data and electronic evidence, a visit to the Mezhyhirya National Park and presentation of educational projects.
"An internship at NABU is the best opportunity for law students to improve their practical skills in a team of real professionals. Two weeks passed like one day, and we completely plunged into the world of fighting corruption. Crazy inspiration for further activities, unique knowledge and experience – it is all about an internship at NABU," Anna Smetyukhova, a project participant, shared her impressions.
For reference
The project was supported by the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative, a leading EU-funded anti-corruption support program in Ukraine, co-financed and implemented by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The project has been held for the third year in a row and unites the best law students and anti-corruption experts from all over Ukraine