NABU, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University strengthen cooperation
Director of the National Bureau Semen Kryvonos and rector of Yaroslav Mudryi NLU Anatoliy Getman signed a memorandum of cooperation for the development of anti-corruption education in Ukraine. This will bring more opportunities for students to gain practical knowledge and skills, as well as unique experience in combating corruption in Ukraine.
The memorandum stipulates conducting joint scientific and educational events, organizing internships for students, coordinating the development of educational programs, as well as exchanging experience between NABU and the university.
The memorandum was signed at the university on April 6, 2023. Semen Kryvonos, his First Deputy Gizo Uglava, and Director of the Kharkiv Territorial Office Yurii Kravchenko also met with the staff and students of the university. In particular, they talked about the mission and results of NABU in fighting top corruption and gave examples of exposing real corruption schemes and bringing those involved to justice.
The National Bureau has had a good history of cooperation with Yaroslav Mudryi NLU encompassing several projects, such as «Back to Alma Mater», «All-Ukrainian Anti-Corruption Moot Court», «Detective Studios». We believe that the signed document will be another step in the partnership between the Bureau and the university.
Photo: Yaroslav Mudryi NLU