NABU Anti-Corruption School 2021 announces receipt of applications

50 law students from all over Ukraine will soon join the NABU Anti-Corruption School 2021. Applications will be accepted until July 16, 2021. 

“This year the School has two stages. During the first stage students will meet online. Only the best 15 participants will get to the second stage. Due to the support of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine, the participants will do a unique two-week practice at the National Bureau Main Detectives Department, visit the Museum of Corruption at the Mezhyhiria Residence, and meet the representatives of the anti-corruption agencies,” NABU Open Office specialist and School co-organizer Yana Ryzak noted.

The Deputy Head of NABU’s Detective Unit and one of the speakers at the Anti-Corruption School 2021 Oleksandr Rykovtsev urged the young participants not to ignore the fight against corruption.

“If the fight against corruption drives you, then anti-corruption is your vocation. It does not matter if you just want to understand how it all works, or corruption provokes negative emotions, indignation and disagreement. The main thing: do not be indifferent,” he stressed.

This year the National Bureau will hold its Anti-Corruption School for the second time. 56 students and young activists from all over Ukraine graduated from the first School in 2020.

“The anti-corruption school provides an opportunity to test your knowledge in practice, communicate with professionals and find like-minded people, because people are the main resource for development," the participant of the last year's School, ex-Head of the Student League of the Ukrainian Bar Association Maryna summarized.

The presentation of the NABU Anti-Corruption School 2021 was held at Kyiv Youth Center on July 5, 2021.

The NABU Anti-Corruption School 2021 is supported by the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative, a leading EU-funded anti-corruption support program in Ukraine, co-financed and implemented by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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