Maintaining the result and preventing deterioration of the work of anti-corruption agencies is very important — Artem Sytnyk
In 2020, the anti-corruption system faced a defiant influence not seen in previous years. Despite the growing pressure, even the existence of such an institution as the National Bureau should be considered as a victory. It was emphasized by the Director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) Artem Sytnyk at the Transparency International presentation of the Corruption Perceptions Index 2020 (CPI).
“Despite the resistance, we managed to show the results. Due to the NABU work, it became possible to bring to justice the top officials in Ukraine. Also among the victories in 2020 there are the first international special force operation with Poland colleagues; recovery of the bail in the amount of more than UAH 60 million to the budget and over UAH 50 million damages compensation. NABU continues the fight and the Detectives work to the last!” Artem Sytnyk said.
He is convinced that it is critically important to maintain the results obtained against the constant impact.
Over the last year, Ukraine’s indicators in the CPI increased by 3 points. With 33 points out of 100 possible, we ranked 117th out of 180 countries in the CPI list. The positive dynamics was influenced by:
- launch of the High Anti-Corruption Court;
- restart of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention;
- granting NABU the right to wiretap;
- renewal of responsibility for illicit enrichment;
- legal standardization of the whistleblower’s protection;
- launch of an electronic register of the political parties reports;
- amendments to the public procurement lws.
The events of the second half of 2020, which can be called a corruption revenge, are likely to affect the results of CPI-2021.
There are an attempt to deprive the National Bureau independence, illegal interference in the activities of NABU and other agencies, such as transferring investigations to other law enforcement agencies by the Prosecutor General’s Office, Pechersky District Court of Kyiv or the Kyiv District Administrative Court. In addition, the crisis of constitutional justice, which started with the adoption of two decisions on the Law on NABU by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine will not go unnoticed.
The Experts from Transparency International Ukraine made recommendations for strengthening the fight against corruption in Ukraine. In particular, they advise to form a professional and independent judiciary, to ensure the independence and capacity of the anti-corruption infrastructure.