Anti-bribery management system of the NABU meets the requirements of ISO 37001:2016 standard
The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine is the first law enforcement agency in Ukraine and one of the first law enforcement agencies in Europe and the world, which confirmed the full compliance of its anti-bribery management systems with the requirements of the international standard ISO 37001:2016. The NABU received the corresponding Certificate in April 2019.
The certificate is based on the results of a successful audit of the anti-corruption management systems of the NABU. The certification audit has been carried out by PECB Group Inc. on the initiative of the NABU executives and with the support of the European Union Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine (EUACI).
The certification process was pided into several stages. During the first stage (summer, 2018), four employees of the Internal Control Department (ICD) of the NABU became certified as specialists in the implementation of the ISO 37001:2016 standard. The next step was the adaptation of regulatory and administrative documents of the NABU to the requirements of the standard.
In particular, the procedures for assessing corruption risks in the activities of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine were improved; the work of the commission for assessing corruption risks were optimized; additional mechanisms to monitor and control the implementation of measures to prevent and combat corruption in the NABU were implemented. Several legal acts were adapted to the requirements of the international standard ISO 37001:2016.
In November-December 2018, a preliminary audit of the anti-corruption systems was conducted. As a result, the NABU received an objective assessment of experts on the status and prospects of development of the anti-bribery management systems.
The certification audit took place in early 2019. The work of all structural departments of the NABU and, in particular, of three Territorial Offices, was audited. The audit was conducted in the format of the analysis of documents, relevant management processes and interviewing of the NABU employees.
The audit findings were sent to the central office of the PECB Group Inc. (Montreal, Canada). The PECB Group Inc. made the final decision that the anti-corruption management system in the NABU meets the requirements of the international standard ISO 37001: 2016 and with the Law of Ukraine "On the Corruption Prevention" and "On the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine".
The certificate is valid for 3 years. However, the organization annually confirms the compliance of the anti-corruption management systems with high standards and international best practices.