Youth intolerant to corruption is the best investment in State's development, Gizo Uglava
The students who graduated from the NABU Anti-Corruption School 2021 gained the exceptional knowledge beyond that offered in universities, a unique experience that no other law enforcement agency can provide, like-minded friends, and faith in Ukraine without corruption.
The project got two stages. From July 26 to 30, 2021, 50 law students from different cities of Ukraine took an online course and pumped their anti-corruption skills. As a result, 15 students were selected to participate in the next part — the internship at the National Bureau from Aug. 9 to 20, 2021.
On Aug. 20, 2021, the official closing of the project took place in the courtyard of the National Bureau. The closing ceremony was attended by the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative Head of Unit Allan Pagh Kristensen who stressed that EUACI was proud to support the excellent initiative developed and implemented by the National Bureau.
“We appreciate the attention to the young generation. It is important to gain their trust in NABU, as well as in the entire anti-corruption infrastructure. We hope that students graduate from the Anti-Corruption School with new experience, knowledge, and the belief that the fight against corruption is possible, and the efforts of NABU and other anti-corruption activists are crucial in achieving results”, he said.
For two weeks, the students immersed themselves in the work of detectives: drafted procedural documents and plans for possible investigations, attended court hearings, and carried out other tasks. The internship also included study visits to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the High Anti-Corruption Court, and the Office of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative. The students took part in training on the peculiarities of investigative actions, organized an anti-corruption picnic together with representatives of the Asset Recovery and Management Agency in Mezhyhiria National Park.
“Openness is a key sign of integrity. The National Bureau is open to cooperation with young people, as it is the best investment in the development of the state. It is important for us to implement similar projects and support anti-corruption initiatives for the youth,” Gizo Uglava, the NABU First Deputy Director, summed up.
The participants of the NABU the Anti-Corruption School presented their own projects to disseminate information on anti-corruption tools and raise awareness of anti-corruption bodies' work.
NABU Anti-Corruption School has been held for the second year in a row. Last year's school brought together 56 students and young professionals and was completely online. In 2021, due to the support of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative, the NABU Anti-Corruption School was held both online and offline.