NABU effectively combines its basic job and the fight against russian aggressors - Gizo Uglava
The National Bureau continued to effectively fight corruption under martial law, while its employees joined the fight against the external enemy in the ranks of the Armed Forces, helped record the crimes of the occupiers, and conducted analytical work. This was noted by acting NABU Director Gizo Uglava at the IACC 2022 on Dec. 9, 2022, in Washington, USA.
"We did not stop our work for a minute. During the war, more than a hundred persons got prosecuted. Despite the full-scale war, we continued what we started in peacetime: we are digitizing the criminal process, which will improve interaction within the anti-corruption infrastructure in the future," Gizo Uglava said.
The acting NABU director emphasized that keeping the high pace of work was possible thanks to a motivated team, the support of civil society, and the help of international partners.
"The main task now is to counter the aggressor. But we should not forget about the internal enemy, because soon we will be rebuilding the country, and control over the provided aid and its effective use will become the key priority," Gizo Uglava added.
The International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) is one of the largest events in the world's anti-corruption movement. This year it was held in Washington on December 6-9. About 1,500 experts, world leaders, representatives of civil society, business, and investigative journalists from 140 countries across the world discussed the most important problems and corruption safeguards, in particular regarding the reconstruction of Ukraine.